Build 6: Images, links, and distinctive mentions

Today's milestone brings some big improvements!

Paragraphs are more distinct within posts, and each post has a suite of tappable links and images following it. You probably won't need to use that "View in WebView" action again any time soon!


  • URLs linked in a post are listed as buttons below the post text. Tap the button to navigate to the URL within the app.
  • Images linked in a post are displayed below any link buttons. They are scaled to fit, so some bits outside the center might have been cropped. Tap the image to see the full image. [#35]
  • An "Edit" action appears in the list of post actions for your own posts. This list is the list that is triggered by long-pressing on a post. [#40]
  • The background of posts that mention you is now a light blue, to make it easier to skim for mentions. [#41]


  • Paragraphs now display block-style, with a full blank line between them. [#53]

Images Display Below the Post.png
Highlighted Mentions and Tappable Links.png